Servirapid Tapa (Shoes repair) Back to Additional Services and Various Foodstuff Servirapid Tapa (Shoes repair)Stands nr. 140At the market hall you will find other services such as the one offered by this stand, which focuses on repairing shoes and reproducing keys. Tel. 971 710 711 | Other stands in additional services and various foodstuff Bazar OlivarSantiveriArtesanía XambaFlor de Sal d’Es TrencCafès LlofriuLiagiba · Los Sabores del Mundo (Spices)Forn Ca Na Teresa Bakery & PastryCan Gelabert – Dried fruitsFlors PilarCati Xis – Dried fruitsFruits secs GimenoD’OrigenEspecias Crespí (spices & dried fruits)Panadería KianaXamba PetitaBody Care – Fit Zone Shop