Can Diví Back to The Gastronomical Offer Can DivíStands nr. 137Do you want to enjoy snacks and meals made with top ingredients? Ca’n Diví is your place in the Mercat de l’Olivar. Homemade recipes prepared with great love by Miriam and Yolanda, along with their team. Other stands in the gastronomical offer Bar tapas – restaurante Los MañosSushi KingYoSushiBar Can JaumeOstras CocederoArabay CoffeeEl HummusCevichería LimaDharmaPink Gamba und Pink SalmonLa Boutique de las LegumbresKorean BunsikKrakenMercat NegreOlivar BistroBuades tastingBar PetitBar del peixDarumaOkinawa